46 research outputs found

    Lipschitz Robustness of Finite-state Transducers

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    We investigate the problem of checking if a finite-state transducer is robust to uncertainty in its input. Our notion of robustness is based on the analytic notion of Lipschitz continuity --- a transducer is K-(Lipschitz) robust if the perturbation in its output is at most K times the perturbation in its input. We quantify input and output perturbation using similarity functions. We show that K-robustness is undecidable even for deterministic transducers. We identify a class of functional transducers, which admits a polynomial time automata-theoretic decision procedure for K-robustness. This class includes Mealy machines and functional letter-to-letter transducers. We also study K-robustness of nondeterministic transducers. Since a nondeterministic transducer generates a set of output words for each input word, we quantify output perturbation using set-similarity functions. We show that K-robustness of nondeterministic transducers is undecidable, even for letter-to-letter transducers. We identify a class of set-similarity functions which admit decidable K-robustness of letter-to-letter transducers.Comment: In FSTTCS 201

    Quantitative Automata under Probabilistic Semantics

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    Automata with monitor counters, where the transitions do not depend on counter values, and nested weighted automata are two expressive automata-theoretic frameworks for quantitative properties. For a well-studied and wide class of quantitative functions, we establish that automata with monitor counters and nested weighted automata are equivalent. We study for the first time such quantitative automata under probabilistic semantics. We show that several problems that are undecidable for the classical questions of emptiness and universality become decidable under the probabilistic semantics. We present a complete picture of decidability for such automata, and even an almost-complete picture of computational complexity, for the probabilistic questions we consider

    Deterministic Weighted Automata under Partial Observability

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    Weighted automata is a basic tool for specification in quantitative verification, which allows to express quantitative features of analysed systems such as resource consumption. Quantitative specification can be assisted by automata learning as there are classic results on Angluin-style learning of weighted automata. The existing work assumes perfect information about the values returned by the target weighted automaton. In assisted synthesis of a quantitative specification, knowledge of the exact values is a strong assumption and may be infeasible. In our work, we address this issue by introducing a new framework of partially-observable deterministic weighted automata, in which weighted automata return intervals containing the computed values of words instead of the exact values. We study the basic properties of this framework with the particular focus on the challenges o

    Approximate Learning of Limit-Average Automata

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    Limit-average automata are weighted automata on infinite words that use average to aggregate the weights seen in infinite runs. We study approximate learning problems for limit-average automata in two settings: passive and active. In the passive learning case, we show that limit-average automata are not PAC-learnable as samples must be of exponential-size to provide (with good probability) enough details to learn an automaton. We also show that the problem of finding an automaton that fits a given sample is NP-complete. In the active learning case, we show that limit-average automata can be learned almost-exactly, i.e., we can learn in polynomial time an automaton that is consistent with the target automaton on almost all words. On the other hand, we show that the problem of learning an automaton that approximates the target automaton (with perhaps fewer states) is NP-complete. The abovementioned results are shown for the uniform distribution on words. We briefly discuss learning over different distributions

    Non-deterministic Weighted Automata on Random Words

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    We present the first study of non-deterministic weighted automata under probabilistic semantics. In this semantics words are random events, generated by a Markov chain, and functions computed by weighted automata are random variables. We consider the probabilistic questions of computing the expected value and the cumulative distribution for such random variables. The exact answers to the probabilistic questions for non-deterministic automata can be irrational and are uncomputable in general. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approximation algorithm for the probabilistic questions, which works in exponential time in the automaton and polynomial time in the Markov chain. We apply this result to show that non-deterministic automata can be effectively determinised with respect to the standard deviation metric

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    As hybrid systems involve continuous behaviors, they should be evaluated by quantitative methods, rather than qualitative methods. In this paper we adapt a quantitative framework, called model measuring, to the hybrid systems domain. The model-measuring problem asks, given a model M and a specification, what is the maximal distance such that all models within that distance from M satisfy (or violate) the specification. A distance function on models is given as part of the input of the problem. Distances, especially related to continuous behaviors are more natural in the hybrid case than the discrete case. We are interested in distances represented by monotonic hybrid automata, a hybrid counterpart of (discrete) weighted automata, whose recognized timed languages are monotone (w.r.t. inclusion) in the values of parameters.The contributions of this paper are twofold. First, we give sufficient conditions under which the model-measuring problem can be solved. Second, we discuss the modeling of distances and applications of the model-measuring problem

    Edit Distance for Pushdown Automata

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    The edit distance between two words w1,w2w_1, w_2 is the minimal number of word operations (letter insertions, deletions, and substitutions) necessary to transform w1w_1 to w2w_2. The edit distance generalizes to languages L1,L2\mathcal{L}_1, \mathcal{L}_2, where the edit distance from L1\mathcal{L}_1 to L2\mathcal{L}_2 is the minimal number kk such that for every word from L1\mathcal{L}_1 there exists a word in L2\mathcal{L}_2 with edit distance at most kk. We study the edit distance computation problem between pushdown automata and their subclasses. The problem of computing edit distance to a pushdown automaton is undecidable, and in practice, the interesting question is to compute the edit distance from a pushdown automaton (the implementation, a standard model for programs with recursion) to a regular language (the specification). In this work, we present a complete picture of decidability and complexity for the following problems: (1)~deciding whether, for a given threshold kk, the edit distance from a pushdown automaton to a finite automaton is at most kk, and (2)~deciding whether the edit distance from a pushdown automaton to a finite automaton is finite.Comment: An extended version of a paper accepted to ICALP 2015 with the same title. The paper has been accepted to the LMCS journa